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A Biblical Perspective on OCD

Thursday, July 31, 2014

(photo credit: 19melissa68 via photopin cc)

"For better or worse, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has tumbled into popular culture as a label for our uptight and detail-minded acquaintances. Many of us know someone who is OCD about his schedule or his budget or keeping his silverware neatly stacked. But clinically speaking, OCD extends beyond mere personality quirks to include mental and behavioral patterns that can lock arms in a vortex of bondage.

"A person with OCD typically finds himself the host of intrusive thoughts — fears of contamination, of committing the unpardonable sin, of embarrassing himself in public — that kick up intense anxiety and refuse to leave. These “sticky thoughts,” as Mike Emlet calls them, are considered obsessions and make up half of the OCD equation. The other half, compulsions, involves the behaviors we usually associate with the disorder: repeated hand washing, counting stair steps, checking locks, and so on. Compulsions offer the prospect of relief from obsessive thoughts. But they almost never deliver. In fact, more often than not, they only make things worse. (Are you sure your hands are clean? Better scrub again.)

Body and Soul

"So what causes OCD? Researchers have offered a variety of explanations. Some, for example, have suggested a link between OCD and abnormal levels of serotonin, a chemical that relays messages from one neuron in the brain to another. Others have pointed to genetics and certain environmental factors. But despite these leads, no one has been able to identify an airtight physical explanation. And should such a discovery one day appear, our collective understanding would only shuffle up to the edge of a black and yawning chasm: the human heart." 

Read the rest of OCD and the Death of the Christian, an insightful, spot-on post over at Desiring God, here.

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Fingernail chipped, Messy haired, Jesus Loving, Me

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

(photo credit: Βethan via photopin cc )

This poor old blog of mine seems bare. I've not had the time or even the desire to post something lately. The writers block I've been experiencing has left me scratching my head in confusion. Why so dry? I've been so busy lately living life, experiencing new things beyond my wildest dreams, and feeling renewed once again, surely I would have something to write about... right?


The words just haven't flowed... that is until I realized what my problem was. I've been trying to be super-spiritual. You know what that means right? When you want to be so on fire for God that you can't help but spiritualize every single aspect of your life and weave it together into some sort of amazing super-spiritual lesson? Where you see things so clearly that you can't help but feel so proud that you thought of this amazing biblical lesson all on your own? (Note the sarcasm here.)

Yeah... that's what I mean by super-spiritual.

But I'm not that person. I live an amazing life with God that sometimes looks and seems pretty normal. In fact, I do live a normal life. No I'm not talking about an average, boring, superfluous life. I'm talking about a life where I do have to wash dishes, do laundry, grocery shop, budget, pay off student loans, and work hard. That's the kind of normal life I do live.

I'm not always in a super-spiritual mood where I can find a lesson for the reasons why my patience is wearing thin once again as a sweet child refuses to pick up their trash they left littered on the floor. I'm just plain old losing my patience here!!!

But I digress. I think all of these things is the reason why this poor old blog of mine has been bare boned lately. So I'm making a resolution to try my best to write... just write with real honesty and not super-spiritualizing (is that even a word?) everything.

I'm just a young woman, with chipped nail polish, messy morning hair --sans makeup-- with a whole lot more questions than answers, learning to follow and trust God with her whole heart, soul, mind and strength. I'm not perfect and frankly, I don't want to be, not on this side of eternity anyway. None of us are perfect... and that's ok... because believe it or not God loves us anyways.

It is my hope and prayer that this blog won't be so abandoned in the future, and while I can't promise that I'll be doing 2-3 posts a week, I can assure you that I will try my hardest to just be normal, messy haired, tea-drinking, Jesus loving me in these posts from now on.

Thank you to all the godly women out there who have had the courage to open up about themselves and showed me where it is that I was getting it wrong! God used you in a powerful way. I am extremely grateful.

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Built Upon a Rock

Saturday, May 24, 2014

(photo credit: blavandmaster via photopin cc)

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock -Matthew 24:7

These are convicting words; words that came to me this morning, a day before my 26th birthday. I was beginning to feel restless, stressed and heavy with burdens. Something was not right. 

"My thoughts have been in a tailspin..." I wrote in my journal. "Things seem messy to me at the moment. And to be quite frank, they are. I don't like messy when it comes to my life. I like pretty, put together, planned ahead--all with a pretty pink bow on top! (Thank you very much)!"

But as I continued to pour my heart out in my journal this morning, I realized that in my attempt to have my life neat and tidy, I began trying to build my house on my preconceived notions of what I thought my life should look like. Those preconceived notions were born out of many different things, some good, some not so good. But it snowballed into something that turned sour and I believe has only hindered me. 

Fruitlessly I've trying to build my life into what I believe it should be without waiting for God. I've taken control and run ahead of my Lord. That's why my thoughts have been in a tailspin, that's why I've been stressed and carrying burdens I'm not meant to carry.

"Let go" God says. "Let go of it all and hold only onto Me." 

I realized that in my attempt to build my own life I was like the foolish man Jesus talked about to His disciples.

"But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Matthew 7:26-27

What have I building my house upon? Sinking sand, that's what! Every time my preconceived notions fell with a crash I began trying to rebuild again. It didn't work. It just kept falling down. 

"I've run ahead of God trying to build my life into what I think it should be. But I can't do it. It's impossible for me to do. Only God can rebuild the mess.... A layman doesn't build a new house on his own. He needs an architect to do it for him; someone who knows what they're doing. If a layman set about building a house all on his own without an knowledge of how to go about it, then I guarantee that house will fall. He'll be left scrambling to pick up the pieces." 

Isn't that just what Jesus is teaching us here in Scripture? As His words came into my heart this morning, I realized my grave mistake. By building my house on all other things besides Jesus Christ my Rock, I set myself up for failure, heartache and ruin. 

I made a choice to let go, give God control, let Him take my mess and build my house on the Rock higher than I. Jesus is the Master Architect. 

I realized that by building our house on Him alone, we therefore set ourselves up for victory. We can trust the Master Builder to build and rebuild if necessary. Didn't Nehemiah rebuild the house of the Lord by God's grace? How much more can Jesus build and rebuild our own house starting with the firm foundation of Himself?!

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I
Psalm 61:2b

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Quiet Times

Saturday, May 3, 2014

(photo credit: Osamu Uchida via photopin cc)

I sit here right now, on my bed with a hot cup of tea in my hands, reveling in this quietness on a Saturday morning. There are birds chirping outside my window and other than that I hear the television on downstairs and my parents chatting with each other about the upcoming day amongst other things. Overall though, it's quiet.

I thrive in the quietness and slow paced life. Recently I realized just how introverted I tend to be. While I thoroughly enjoy socializing with others and need it on a daily basis, I also need time to just sit and decompress. This quietness today is a much needed time for me to re-energize and process the busy season I'm in. You can find my recent post about the current busy season I find myself in here.

While it's been quiet here on this blog, I can assure you that it's not been all that quiet on a daily basis. Jobs, vacation, preparing for my trip to Haiti, writing thank you notes, and keeping up with my friends and family things have occupied my time. God has been bringing me out of my comfort zone. His stretching and molding does not go unnoticed though. When I do take the time to stop and realize what it is He's been doing my life, I cannot help but praise Him for this time.

This morning's quietness is refreshing. It's a nice break in my otherwise busy season. I'm asking you dear sweet readers, that if you feel led to, would you mind praying for me during this season? Please pray that God would continue to grow me and mold me into the woman He needs me to be and to prepare me for the trip to Haiti. Please pray that God would infuse me with His Holy Spirit so that all that I say and do would be pleasing in His sight. I'm so grateful for you all and cannot thank you enough for any and all prayers and encouragement.

I encourage all of you to stop, take some quiet time today with the Lord, or even quiet time to just decompress, and let God re-energize you. It's in our quietness and trust in Him alone that we will find the strength to run the race set before us.

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." Isaiah 30:15

Please feel free to leave comments below in how it is that I can also be praying for you.

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Friday, April 18, 2014

(photo credit: Waiting For The Word via photopin cc)

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
Luke 22:42

It's hard to even begin to imagine what it must have been like the night before Jesus' crucifixion. Knowing the road before Him and what it was He would have to endure must have been terrifying. The Scriptures give us a glimpse of what He went through that night saying that He sweat drops of blood whilst praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. 

The photo above shows a rather serene looking Jesus praying to God in the garden, but how I see see it my mind is strikingly different. I see our Savior sweating drops of blood, prostrate on His face, pleading with His father that He does not have to be separated from Him for a period of time. I see Jesus in pure agony through the pain He is about to endure; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain that you nor I could ever begin to imagine. Yet despite all this Jesus endured the shame and public humiliation to save you and I. He carried the cross, was crucified dead and buried for our eternal salvation. Out of His death came life. Jesus chose to carry out His Father's will and gained an untold amount of souls for eternity.

I have a rather strong will. It's often hard for me to fully surrender my will to God and allow Him to do His will in my life. God is still working with me on this very thing. Jesus had a will too. We can clearly see this when He prayed "not my will by your will be done." 

I once heard someone liken our own wills to that of an untrained horse. All that power, strength and agility is just waiting to be harnessed. But without breaking in that horse, none of the power that horse has within will ever be useful to it's master. It cannot perform at it's peak unless broken. Only when the horse it broken and trained, and it's will one with it's master, can the horse ever become useful at completing the tasks before it. Once I heard this illustration given though, a light bulb went off in my mind.

The same holds true for us. We have a will and we have the freedom to roam about and do whatever we want. As a friend of mine pointed out to me recently though, God does not want us to be wandering Israelites with no goal in sight. Our wills must be broken. This doesn't mean we don't make decisions or use our will at all. It merely means we must daily align our will to God's and, if need be, surrender it completely just as Jesus did before He was crucified. 

I don't know if we will ever do this perfectly, like Jesus did, on this side of eternity. Perhaps some people do. I do know that Jesus will continue to mature us, challenge us and show us the way in which we are to walk. After all, we not only remember Jesus' death and burial, we also celebrate the truth that He is Risen. It's precisely because He lives that we can daily align ourselves with God's will and surrender ourselves to His greater purposes.

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A Busy Season

Monday, March 31, 2014

(photo credit: joiseyshowaa via photopin cc)

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Things here have been busy. The hustle and bustle of everyday activities seem to have gotten more... hustly and bustly. (Like my made up words?) Every time I cross something off of my proverbial to do list, 3 more things suddenly seem to get added, hence the reason why things on my blog here have been slow.

I'm not used to the hustle and bustle of life. In fact I like doing things at a slower pace. The mere thought of going into a busy city for an extended period of time creates anxiety in me. Admittedly I'd probably be more content living on a ranch in Montana than in a busy city any day of the week. But at the moment, I'm in a busy season. And to be completely honest, it's not the worst thing in the world. In fact, I've come to see it as a blessing. 

The lessons I'm learning during this busy season of life is teaching me to lean wholly upon God and upon Him alone. With all the tasks to be done, the children to serve and care for, the laundry to do, and meals to make, things can get a bit hectic. It's easy to try and do all of it in my own strength (try being the operative word here) without consulting God in each decision I make or task I do, but that won't get me very far. I'd be more like the hare rather than the tortoise and never end up finishing the race that God has set before me. I don't want to burn out because I didn't lean wholly upon God during this busy season. 

The little prayers of "help me God" or "strengthen me Lord" or "give me your joy Jesus" are my life lines. Each time I pray God hears me and answers my prayer. It's in these moments I begin to learn what it's like to do all things through Christ who strengthen me (Philippians 4:13). 

Are you in a busy season of life right now? Do you feel like you can't get through the next hour let alone the next day? Are you depleted of energy and just want to hit pause on another somewhat chaotic morning? Take heart my friend and know this, that God is standing by and ready to fill you with His Holy Spirit to strengthen you, comfort you and give you His peace during this season. This is the time to lean into Him more than you have before. God is more than willing to show you Himself in brand new ways and to provide for you exactly what you need. 
Not by might, nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6

The busyness your experiencing won't last forever. One day we will experience God's true rest on the other side of eternity. Until we experience this eternal rest though, choose rather to rest in His loving arms. It's there that we find rest for our souls as we walk with Him each and every day. 

Here's a poem I've heard Elisabeth Elliot quote before in one of her talks and often refer back to it during one of my busy days. It helps me to remember to do one thing at a time and not to try and do everything at once in my own strength. May you be blessed as you read it as well. 

"From an old English parsonage,
Down by the sea,
There came in the twilight,
A message to me;
Its quaint Saxon legend,
Deeply engraven,
Hath, as it seems to me,
Teaching from Heaven.
And on through the hours
The quiet words ring
Like a low inspiration-
Do the next thing

Many a questioning, many a fear,
Many a doubt, hath its quieting here.
Moment by moment,
Let down from Heaven,
Time, opportunity,
Guidance, are given.
Fear not tomorrows,
Child of the King,
Trust them with Jesus,
Do the next thing

Do it immediately;
Do it with prayer;
Do it reliantly, casting all care;
Do it with reverence,
Tracing His Hand,
Who placed it before thee with
Earnest command.
Stayed on Omnipotence,
Safe 'neath His wing,
Leave all resultings,
Do the next thing

Looking to Jesus, ever serener,
(Working or suffering)
Be thy demeanor,
In His dear presence,
The rest of His calm,
The light of His countenance
Be thy psalm,
Strong in His faithfulness,
Praise and sing,
Then, as He beckons thee,
Do the next thing"

-Author unknown quoted by Elisabeth Elliot

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The Tortoise and the Hare: Gleaning Biblical Truths

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

(photo credit: Geoff S. via photopin cc)

Slow and steady wins the race... or so the saying goes. I can't exactly remember the day I first heard this classic fable, it's just one of those stories that most of us grow up listening to. It's like a rite of passage I guess you could say. In fact most of Aesop's fables are still being read to children around the world today. After centuries of these beloved tales being told I wonder if we've forgotten some of the amazing biblical truths expressed in more than one of these stories.

The Tortoise and the Hare has always been one of my favorites. I guess it started out that way because I love animals, but as I've gotten older certain principles from this story have caught my eye; principles that are taken straight from the Bible.

Slow and steady; determined and diligent; humble and hushed. The tortoise signifies what all men and women are exhorted to be. Upon reading it recently I noticed just how diligent and unassuming the tortoise is. His determination and perseverance to finish the race without letting the arrogant, indulgent and proud hare get in his way is his key to success. The tortoise's eyes are set firmly on the finish line and his slow yet steady steps forward keep him on the straight and narrow path.

In contrast the hare is proud, boastful and indulgent. He knows that he's quick and therefore becomes cocky in his own abilities. The hare is quick to judge the tortoise's ability as well. Hare becomes lazy and takes a nap or stops for a snack during the race since he assumes that the tortoise will never catch up to him. His gaze veers off course and the finish line inevitably is far from him. But the tortoise's diligence prevails.

God also commends the characteristics of the tortoise. Over and over in His word we find exhortations to be steady, diligent and determined for the race set before us.

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Proverbs 21:5

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin Zechariah 4:10

Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the Lord, and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the Lord your God.” Zechariah 6:15

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:36

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrew 12:1b-2a

Our walk here on earth is likened to a race as we read in Hebrews 12. The apostle Paul also referenced this race many times in his epistles to the churches. God's word has much to say about the race we are running even today.

Just as the tortoise kept his eyes firmly fixed ahead of him, may we too keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus Christ. The race marked before us is one that God intends to run with us, but we must keep on persevering. Some days are easier than others for sure. Some days we may need to walk, some days we may need to run, some days we may need to crawl and some days God just carries us. But our perseverance and diligence to keep going and fixing our eyes on Jesus is what will bring us success. He's the One who will see us through to the finish line and beyond.

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Heart Laid Bare

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

(photo credit: Wendy Longo photography via photopin cc)

There's nothing quite like working with children when it comes to sanctification. At least, that's been my own experience so far. Being around children sometimes up to 10 hours a day has been an eye opener for me. Within the past few weeks God has been stripping me slowly of any false notions I've had of  myself. To be quite honest it's not been pretty either.

My heart has been laid bare.

No, I'm not mother, although I'd love to be someday. The children I work with are not my own but the lessons in holiness have nevertheless been doing it's work. I'm beginning to have a new, deeply embedded respect for all mothers around the world.

What I once thought was selflessness in me I now see as selfishness inside. You see for a while, I pretty much made myself out to be much better than I thought. But then those precious children came along and brought out things inside me that I once though were long gone since my own childhood. Selfishness, stubbornness, pride and arrogance all came floating to the surface these last few weeks. It hasn't been pretty at all.

Yet even as I waded through the muck and mire of my heart something else amazing happened too. For the first time in a long time I began to feel God's love and mercy in new ways. With my heart stripped bare I began to realize my deep, deep need for Him. He is the only One who truly loving, merciful and good. He is the only One who is patient, kind and compassionate. He is the only One who can truly minister to these children in the ways that they need. I'm merely the vessel; His servant.

It's impossible for me to do God's job and to act the way God acts all the time. I'm still a work in progress too. Nothing has been made more clear to me than this truth.

I'm not perfect but I'm not where I was and I don't plan on staying where I'm at. Not because I can keep moving forward on my own but because I serve a God who is loving enough to not leave me as  I am. He's always working.

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6

These lessons in holiness have been a real blessing. While not always easy, they're necessary to grow me and conform me to become more like Christ each and every day.

In what ways have you recently felt God teaching and shaping you?

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Waiting: A Different Perspective

Monday, November 25, 2013

The hardest part of waiting is waiting. I know that seems redundant but it's not. Whomever has had to wait a while for something knows what I mean. Waiting, and all that it implies, is not an easy task. I find it extremely frustrating and sometimes even painful to wait. I know I'm not alone in this.

The cry of the psalmist seems to echo my own heart at times:

I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched; My eyes fail while I wait for my God. 
Psalm 69:3

I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words. 
Psalm 119:147

Waiting can be a time of great pruning, refining and growth. There's no denying the pain that results from our time of waiting. And yet, I have to admit that the Bible usually paints a totally different picture of what it looks like to wait on the Lord. It leaves me scratching my head at times, wondering what it is I'm doing wrong.
Listen to the blessings and hope within these next verses.

For evildoers will be cut off, But those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land.
Psalm 37:9

I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it, And I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.
Psalm 52:9

Yet those who wait for the Lord Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.
Isaiah 40:31

For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.
Isaiah 64:4

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him.
Lamentations 3:25

But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.
Romans 8:25

And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise.
Hebrews 6:15

I've been doing it wrong. My vision has been too short. In the act of waiting, spiritually we all tend to become nearsighted. It's not that hard either. If I know what I want and I know I want it now, then waiting has become an obstacle to obtaining the prize. With this view in mind, waiting ceases to be a blessing; a chance to trust in the Lord and see His goodness in my life. 

It's come down to one issue and one issue only, my heart. Am I willing to say to the King of the Universe, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, 'Thy will be done?' Am I willing to bend my knee in humble adoration and let God be God in my life? 

Rest assured though God sees the longings, the hurts and the desires of our hearts. I truly believe He longs to fulfill those desires too. In His perfect timing and His perfect way, God will answer all of our prayers. Never lose heart waiting on Him. 
Our waiting is really an opportunity to fully trust God and be amazed at what it was He had planned all along! Take heart in the journey of waiting.

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Thanksgiving Pilgrims

Friday, November 22, 2013

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Pilgrims. I'm fascinated with them! Always have been really. Even as a child, I found these people so interesting. I remember in 3rd grade we did a whole unit in Social Studies based upon the Mayflower and the pilgrims. I loved it! My curious mind was enthralled with learning about them. Who were these people with the buckled shoes and hats, bonnets and aprons? Why was I so attracted to their way of life? So curious and enthralled was I that I even dressed up as as Pilgrim for Halloween that year! (Sort of an oxymoron with the pagan holiday and all but I was only 8 and I'm sure God had a big smile on His face due to my interest.)

As an adult I'm still so eager to learn more and more about the pilgrims and their way of life. In hindsight I now see that the seeds were planted at a very young age. (Pretty cool how God works huh?)

I've come to learn that far from being the strange people with strange clothes, the pilgrims were godly Christians who saw God in absolutely everything they did! They were people who knew what true thankfulness was all about. They were the ones who persevered in their faith despite horrible circumstances and pressures. They were the men and women who had such vision for future generations that you know it had to have been solely given by God alone. They were not perfect but they were genuine God fearing people who paved a path so beautiful that their legacy lives on even today.

I wonder what it would be like if our country today would live with such dedication, love and thankfulness to the Lord. I wonder what the discussions around the Thanksgiving table would be like.

One thing is for sure, I want to be able to live with such fervent love, and devotion for God as the pilgrims did. I want my vision to be as far reaching as theirs was.

I'm still fascinated with the pilgrims and their story. I think it's because ultimately their story is God's story, and they knew that too. They knew that everything they had came from God above. You can see that in their actions, in their thankfulness and in their lives.

May this Thanksgiving be full of thankfulness to the Lord and love for His provision. After all we are all in a very spiritual sense "pilgrims" on this journey together.

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In This Very Moment

Thursday, November 7, 2013

It was just a moment. A quick moment during dinner when everything felt surreal. I gazed at my dinner in front of me. The haddock I had chosen for dinner was now mid bite. Lights flashing, music playing, people chatting.

My cousin, the third of the six grandchildren on my father's side had gotten married. My cousin, the one whom I played with, made up dances with and had sleepovers with was now married. How and when did this happen? Weren't we just little girls giggling about the latest celebrity cutie on Disney?

I had to snap myself out of the moment by taking another bite of my meal and tuning back in to the conversations happening around me.

Some days when I feel like time is flying by, I long for a do-over. I want to go back and relish those childhood memories with my cousins. Those long held traditions that I took for granted I wish to live over again. What if I'd only been more content back then? What if I'd only stopped and smelled the roses more?

But I can't turn back time and living in the past is a sad and dangerous way to live. I can't go back and relive those times, but I can relish in the moments given to me today. I can be grateful for what I have now and learn to be content.

Is it any wonder that God has been teaching me thankfulness? Is it any wonder that I found myself ordering Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts?" No it's not a coincidence. God is helping me to live fully, today! He's showing me the power of gratefulness and living in the moment. It's not an easy lesson, but it certainly is what I need.

I'm learning how powerful gratefulness can be. It takes what we have now and helps us to relish in the moments we're given. Gratefulness turns an ordinary life into an extraordinary one.

Seeing my cousin get married was amazing. She looked so happy! And while I still am praying that the remainder of the three grandchildren will also get married, I'm also learning that the abundant, filled life promised to us through Christ doesn't happen only when marriage does; the abundant, fulfilled life happens now. We shouldn't let it pass us by.

I don't want to come to the end of my years and look back with longing on today wondering why I didn't stop and smell the roses, relish the moments and live in the present. I want to look back and realize that I made the right choice by choosing to live each and every day given to me. I have a choice to make today!

Thankfulness is a way for all of us to realize the abundance that is right before our very eyes, in this very moment, living for today.

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A Godly Influence

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I'm grateful for the godly men and women who went before me and felt compelled to record their own lessons and teachings in books. What a blessing it has been to learn from them. I can truly say that these men and women, some of whom lived hundreds of years ago, have influenced me in amazing ways. I highly recommend all Christians to take the time to learn from those who are older, wiser and godly Christians. After all God created us for fellowship and community; it is for our benefit and growth!

Proverbs 27:17 says
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Here are some of my favorite quotes by older, godly Christians who have not only influenced me in amazing ways but have also sharpened me in my walk with the Lord.

"Supposed then you content yourself for the present with doing in a faithful, quiet, persistent way, all the little, homely tasks that return with each returning day, each one as unto God, and perhaps by and by you will thus have gained strength for a more heroic life."
(Elizabeth Prentiss, Stepping Heavenward)

"The Spirit of God is a Spirit of love, and when the former enters into the soul, love also enters with it. God is love, and he that has God dwelling in him by his Spirit, will have love dwelling in him also. The nature of the Holy Spirit is love; it is by communication himself, in his own nature, to the saints, that their hearts are filled with divine charity."
(Jonathan Edwards, Charity and It's Fruits)

"In order to learn what it means to be a woman we must start with the One who made her."
(Elisabeth Elliot, Let Me Be a Woman)

"We will begin, then, with the creation of the world and with God its Maker, for the first fact that you must grasp is this: the renewal of creation has been wrought by the Self-same Word Who made it in the beginning. There is thus no inconsistency between creation and salvation for the One Father has employed the same Agent for both works, effecting the salvation of the world through the same Word Who made it in the beginning."
(St. Athanasius, On The Incarnation)

"You will never go wrong obeying God. You may not know exactly where you are going, but you can be sure of one thing: when you get to the place He has called you to go, you will experience a miraculous blessing."
(Dr. Charles Stanley, God Has a Plan For Your Life)

"The basic concept here is that what God creates, He sustains. So, one of the most important subdivisions in the doctrine of providence is the concept of divine sustenance. Simply put, this is the classical Christian idea that God is not the great Watchmaker who builds the watch, winds it up, and then steps out of the picture. Instead, what He makes, He preserves.
(R.C. Sproul, Does God Control Everything?)

I hope you've found these insightful quotes, by these godly men and women, to have been a blessing and sharpener! I know they were for me!

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Teachers are Investors in Eternity

Monday, September 16, 2013

Busy! That's how I've felt lately. With the new school year now almost in full swing and a new schedule I'm beginning to get used to, I've been unable to write my regular quota of posts each week.

Nevertheless I am grateful to God for these amazing opportunities placed in front of me. You see, I have the privilege of working with lots of precious children each day. They are such a blessing to work with and it is a great joy to be able to speak encouragement into their lives. Of course there is a whole lot of reading, writing and arithmetic going on but even amidst all of the school work there are smiles, laughter, encouraging words and of course love. Lots of quiet, patient and persevering love.

I guess I never realized just how much love a teacher has for her students. Now that I'm on the other side though I see just how much perseverance, patience and vision a teacher must have in order to really do their job well. Day in and day out of ABC's, phonics and algorithms can get tedious. It's not easy keeping your eyes on the prize when your patience wears thin and you can't even hear yourself think above some particularly rowdy students. It's a labor of love for sure but one that is more than worth it.

When I'm able to see beyond the mundane tasks of the day and really get to the heart of what it is I'm doing, I can't help but sing with joy. Investing in a life for the glory of God is a humbling task. It is my hearts prayer to do it always in love and with thankfulness for each child that crosses my path. So even though I may be busy my heart is bursting with joy.

Thank you to all the teachers out there! Whether you are a public school teacher, private school teacher, homeschooling mama, pastor, or mentor. All teachers are a gift from God and investors in eternity.

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Beyond the Bridge: God's Loving Providence

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The drive to Vermont had been pretty uneventful. My dad and I had to drive up without my mother as she was finishing a tennis tournament her team had gotten into after a series of wins. After talking to my dad for bit I decided to turn on my iPod and listen to R.C. Sproul's radio program Renewing Your Mind.

Dr. Sproul had been doing a series of talks on the Providence of God this past July and I had just downloaded all of them for the ride. Listening with utter amazement at the words spoken by him I came to an even deeper understanding of God's control over all things. I still can't fully fathom His power and Sovereignty but nevertheless I'm ok with that. I'm ok with simply trusting in His Sovereignty each day. It's not always easy but by His grace I still walk forward trusting Him.

We had another 40 minutes or so to go when I turned off my iPod to ponder over the words I had just heard. The ball game on the radio seemed like a distant noise to me as I began to take in the view of the mountains surrounding me. The Providence of God wasn't hard to understand with the displays of His magnificent creation surrounding me.

(Image courtesy of [RTP411] /

The turn onto the off ramp distracted me for a moment. A highway bridge in front of the car gave a brief pause to the surrounding landscapes. I took a break from basking in the beauty around me. But unbeknown to me within a matter of seconds something spectacular awaited on the other side. My breath caught. Over that bridge was a scene that could have been taken right out of a Monet painting. It was amazing. Soaking in the sights my eyes were glued to the large green hill and tall trees surrounding a small farm house on the horizon. The sprawling horse fence tied everything together in this peaceful picture. Basking in this majestic sight I didn't want our car to turn. If my dad could have parked that car right on the side of the road I would've been content to just sit there for hours. There was something in this picture that spoke deeply about God's Providence. 

Maybe it was because this picture seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Often times in my own life God's Providence seems to just appear out of nowhere. But I know that's not true; God's Providence is everywhere at all times in all things. It just takes eyes of faith to see it.

(Image courtesy of [antpkr] /

The hustle and bustle of life often makes me less prone to see His Sovereign fingerprints but they are still there. Sometimes we have to just get beyond the bridge in front of us, that may seem like a nuisance or a hindrance in our walk, in order to finally come to the place where God wants us to be. After all since God is Sovereign the bridge must have been put there by God's Providence, and in that there too is beauty.

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The Reality of Waiting

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pssst! Over here! Come closer. A little closer, just a little closer... there. 

Can I tell you something? I mean really let you in on something? 

Waiting isn't always easy. 

(Image courtesy of [Keattikorn] /  )

Ok, so maybe it's not a secret that waiting on God isn't always the easiest thing to do but nevertheless it is something I believed that should be easy whenever I heard someone say to "wait on God."

Some days are easier than others. Everything is sunshine and glee on the rather easy days for me; contentment doesn't seem so far out of reach during those times. On a really bliss filled day I'll even want more time to wait on the Lord. However reality will set in and waiting on God can and does become much less blissful than I hoped it would be. Sometimes waiting on God is just downright painful. 

I think many of us, myself included, tend to think about waiting on the Lord as this constant state of bliss and contentment. It's like this underlying assumption whenever we hear the advice given. But the reality of waiting also includes hardships, pain and mistakes. If it didn't where would faith come into play? Where would trusting in the Lord be? 

Sure it's really easy for me to have faith and trust God on the days full of sunshine and easy sailing but what about when the skies turn grey and the wind and the waves make a might roar?

"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
Matthew 8:26

When told to wait on God we must realize that the overall season of waiting has many other seasons within it. By reason of our fickle emotions, life circumstances and individual situations waiting on God is far from a constant state of bliss and contentment. (We're not on the other side of Eternity yet!) One thing I do know though is that God is ALWAYS good. He's good during seasons of plenty and during seasons of drought. Yes, God is always Good! 

In my own season of waiting I've come to realize some important things that have helped me to get a clearer picture of what waiting on the Lord looks like. I want to share them with you today.

Waiting on God is not:
1. Easy (as I've already pointed out)
2. Passive
3. An excuse to do nothing

Waiting on God is:
1. A blessing
2. A way to build strength
3. An outward sign of trust in God

Each season of waiting will look different for each person but I truly believe that what I mentioned above applies to us all.

There are ups and downs in a season of waiting; easy days and hard days. Waiting on God is still a season where we need to do our part but ultimately it's trusting God to work on our behalf and bring the victory.

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
Isaiah 64:4

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