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Culture Changers

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

 Hollywood has long been a corrupt and deceptive industry full of immorality. Thankfully though, Christians are fighting back! 

With the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF), and movies like Fireproof, Courageous and October Baby taking flight, I believe that Christians have already begun to change the direction of the media industry.

Just yesterday I read an inspiring post over at one of my favorite blogs, I Take Joy. Sally Clarkson shared with her readers that her son has a dream for making a movie about the story of The Prodigal Son, and with this movie a chance reach others with Christ's light.

Mrs. Clarkson writes,

"This is a post about one mama(me)  supporting her son’s dreams to bring Christ’s light to a dark world–in the darkest of dark places–Hollywood!
Isn’t that what Mamas do? Support their children’s dreams and faith?
Will you please consider helping me bring this dream to life? Read on! Pass it on!"

Click here to read the rest of the article "Believe in Your Children's Dreams--They Might Just Come True" by Sally Clarkson over at I Take Joy.

It's time to take back what Hollywood has destroyed. We can do it together! (And remember Christ has already won the victory!)

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