Showing posts with label freedom from fear. Show all posts

A Gentle Reminder

Saturday, August 2, 2014

A gentle reminder for all those "worry warts" out there. None of our worrying can add a single moment to our life, so why do we do it?

Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:8

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A Biblical Perspective on OCD

Thursday, July 31, 2014

(photo credit: 19melissa68 via photopin cc)

"For better or worse, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has tumbled into popular culture as a label for our uptight and detail-minded acquaintances. Many of us know someone who is OCD about his schedule or his budget or keeping his silverware neatly stacked. But clinically speaking, OCD extends beyond mere personality quirks to include mental and behavioral patterns that can lock arms in a vortex of bondage.

"A person with OCD typically finds himself the host of intrusive thoughts — fears of contamination, of committing the unpardonable sin, of embarrassing himself in public — that kick up intense anxiety and refuse to leave. These “sticky thoughts,” as Mike Emlet calls them, are considered obsessions and make up half of the OCD equation. The other half, compulsions, involves the behaviors we usually associate with the disorder: repeated hand washing, counting stair steps, checking locks, and so on. Compulsions offer the prospect of relief from obsessive thoughts. But they almost never deliver. In fact, more often than not, they only make things worse. (Are you sure your hands are clean? Better scrub again.)

Body and Soul

"So what causes OCD? Researchers have offered a variety of explanations. Some, for example, have suggested a link between OCD and abnormal levels of serotonin, a chemical that relays messages from one neuron in the brain to another. Others have pointed to genetics and certain environmental factors. But despite these leads, no one has been able to identify an airtight physical explanation. And should such a discovery one day appear, our collective understanding would only shuffle up to the edge of a black and yawning chasm: the human heart." 

Read the rest of OCD and the Death of the Christian, an insightful, spot-on post over at Desiring God, here.

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7+ Scriptures on Anxiety

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

7 + Bible Verses on Anxiety
Dealing with anxiety is not easy. When our hearts become fearful or anxious it 's hard to gain sound perspective and all too easy to get carried away with worry. We all deal with anxiety because we all live in a fallen world. Whether we worry about health, finances, work, family, friends etc, worry will rear it's ugly head in some shape or form. The good news though? It doesn't have to control us.

It wasn't until I found out what God had to say about the issue of worrying that I began to surrender to Him, make His Word my reality and the anxiety began to diminish over a period of time. I still struggle with anxious thoughts now and then but the Lord has delivered me from being a slave to worry by His power and Word.

I've compiled a list of verses where the Bible addresses the topic of anxiety and fear. It is my hope and prayer that God will use these verses to speak to your heart today. 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
“Do not be afraid; only believe.”
Mark 536b

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ 
Isaiah 41:10

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?"
Matthew 6:25 

Casting all your care upon Him (God), for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.
Isaiah 54:13

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The "What If" Dilemma

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Illusive Anxiety

A couple of weeks ago I began to realize that most of the anxiety that sometimes bothers me is actually based upon things that rarely if ever actually come to pass. It's more of a "worry myself into a tizzy" kind of fear rather than a fear based upon something that is present in my life. One time I heard a statistic that said the majority of things people tend to worry about never actually come to pass!

I remember seeing the above cartoon hanging on a wall once and nearly laughing out loud because of a) the absurdity of the message and b) how spot on the message actually was.  I mean, am I really the only one who sometimes thinks that worrying controls a situation? That maybe if I worry enough it won't happen?

While it may seem kind of funny at how absurd this line of thought is, it is precisely this deceptive kind of thinking that's poisonous to our faith. It is this type of worrying and anxiety that brings death and dismay because... we are not in control.

God doesn't want His children to live in a state of worry. He is the only Sovereign God Who loves, cares and protects us. He is constantly at work in our lives and know what He is doing. It's hard to admit but when we worry incessantly, we are playing the role that belongs only to God.

The "what if's" of life are dangerous. I've passed up one too many opportunities already because the question of "what if" controlled me. You see, by worrying we are not actually in control at all, the worry is in control. And if the worry is in control then that means God cannot truly be the One who is helping us to walk down the path He has for our lives.

We can't serve our worries and God at the same time. Jesus talked about the implications of serving two masters.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Matthew 6:24

The context here is not the same but the principle still applies. We cannot serve our worries and God at the same time. We will either be devoted to serving our worries or devoted to serving God. The what if's of life are deadly and will cost us.

I don't want to live in fear of the what if's anymore. A thought actually came to me the other day, which I truly believe was from God, that helped me to realize what I like to think of as the "what if dilemma."

The What If Dilemma

If I let the what if's of today rule over me, then something even more tragic, heartbreaking, could happen when I'm old, gray and waiting to depart to be with the Lord-- missing out on the abundant life God had for me. The what if's of that day in the future may go more along the lines of...

What if I didn't let the worries rule over me? What if I went to where I felt God was leading? What if I hadn't let that opportunity pass me by? What if?

By God's grace, neither you nor I will have to come to the end of our lives with the what if's still hanging over our heads nor will we succumb to the what if's of today. That, my friend, is NOT God's plan for anyone. 

The abundant life in Christ is available to you and me because the what if's of today and tomorrow have been nailed to the Cross.

I want to leave you with a poem by Shel Silverstein. My mother read this to me as a child and it's stuck with me all these years. I didn't fully understand it until I was an adult but for some reason or another I've always enjoyed this gem. I see now that perhaps God used this poem in my life without me even realizing it. (He really is in control!)
"All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
Layin' in the sun,
Talkin' 'bout the things
They woulda coulda shoulda done...
But those Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
All ran away and hid
From one little Did"
By: Shel Silverstein 

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Truth vs Deception Part Two: More than Conquerors

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Deception in the Garden

Eve was deceived. The serpent, who is crafty, cunning and subtle tricked Eve into believing that God was holding back. Eve was blatantly deceived by his lies.

"Could it really be?" the serpent planted those seeds of doubt.

"Did God really say?" he prompted.

Eve struggled knowing that she was not supposed to eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge but the crafty, cunning, and deceptive serpent did what he does best: lie. Giving in to temptation Eve at of the forbidden fruit. She believed the lie and her actions brought pain. Pain, fear and sorrow entered because she not only believed the lie, but acted upon it. Thus the Fall took place.

Combating the Lies

The years I was in bondage to fear, I believed one lie too many.

'You will have to live with this fear for the rest of your life.'

'People won't like you if they see the real you.'

'You will always live in constant fear, so deal with it.'

Lies upon lies were sown... It's the same tactic from the same old liar.

Jesus said that the devil is the father of all lies and that there is no truth in him. (John 8:44) He also said that the devil is a thief who came to steal, kill and destroy. The devil is nothing but a liar. The lies he speaks bring pain and deception.

One of my favorite books that deals with this very topic is called 'Lies Young Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free,' written by Nancy Leigh Demoss and Dannah Gresh. Here is a passage from chapter 14 which is titled 'How To Find Freedom From The Lies Replace lies with the Truth.

Dannah Gresh admits that while writing the book she,
"was assaulted with thoughts and feelings she had not experienced in years." ...

"I ran for my Bible. I went straight home and cradled it in my arms as I got on the floor before the God of the universe and asked for His Truth to overcome these lies. I dug into my Bible for specific verses to pray aloud and write in my prayer journal. I took it a step further by going to a special worship service at my church that evening so my mind and heart could be 'washed' with the Truth. By the time I went to bed, I no longer felt the heaviness that had come upon me so quickly. I'd been set free." (Lies Young Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free, pgs 179-180)

Truth Sown in the Heart

We combat the lies with God's Truth. It was the Truth that saved me from years upon years of lies. God does not want any of us to live in fear! By reading God's Word, the lies were uprooted and His Truth was sown in my heart. 

"I don't have to live with fear!"
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 
2 Timothy 1:7

"I've been set free!"
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
John 8:36

Remember that Promise given to Eve in the Garden about her Offspring crushing the devil's head? Yeah, that Promise is Jesus Christ and He came to give us freedom AND victory!

More Truth was sown after reading these verses:

I was more than a conqueror in Christ (Romans 8:37)

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
Romans 8:32

Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33), therefore we are more than conquerors in Christ. We will still encounter trouble, brokenness and temptations but Jesus, our Savior, has given us His righteousness, peace and victory. The evil one has no hold on us when we are in Christ Jesus.

Jesus is Freedom and Truth

Jesus truly has given both you and me freedom, peace and victory. He is the Truth and exposes the lies for what they really are... outright lies! Next time you feel the lies come, run to Jesus, seek Him in the Bible and replace the lies with Truth.

I end this post today with a beautiful verse from the book of Isaiah.

All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.

Isaiah 54:13

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Truth vs. Deception Part One: A Testimony

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Learning the Truth

Finding out the truth about the the origin of fear was eye opening for me. For years on end I had no idea what God had to say about anxiety and fear. I was getting enough information from doctors and therapists on how to deal with worry, ways to ward off anxiety and how to try and prevent fear from coming. Sometimes their advice worked, other times it didn't. I am eternally grateful for all those precious people did to help me; however, they left out the most important aspect of it all. 

God's perspective.

The therapy I was in did not take into account what God, the Creator of all things, had to say and therefore only the surface problems, the symptoms, were addressed. (Side note: Therapy can be extremely helpful! I now see though that nouthetic counseling, i.e. Biblical based, Christian counseling, should be sought out instead of therapy that doesn't take into account God and His Word.)

I had been bleeding with a big open wound and humanistic psychology only put a band-aid on top.

After a while the band-aid needed to be changed, so the therapy sessions went on for years, the worrying continued and true healing didn't take place.

Shaken out of Complacency

Christmas 2010 changed my life. A panic attack so severe had me running wholeheartedly to the Lord. You see, up until that time I'd been a lukewarm Christian. I was neither hot nor cold. Sure, I knew God was real and believed that Jesus Christ was His Son but I didn't really know Him. I didn't really have a relationship with Him.

It was the panic attack that took place on Christmas that shook me out of my complacency. It made me want to know what God had to say about anxiety. After all those years of listening to humanistic psychology I realized that only God could heal me.

Finally I began to read God's Word and  decided to start with the book of Ephesians. I soaked in every word. From there I went to read more of the epistles along with the Gospels. I was hungry and was finally being fed. At that point in my life I was able to spend up to two to three hours a day in the Word of God. Along the way I learned what God had to say about anxiety. I learned the truth.

 Scriptures that Spoke to My Heart

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 
2 Timothy 1:7

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:1-2

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. 
Galatians 5:1

Also in the Gospels I realized that Jesus had a whole lot to say on the topic of worry. This discourse spoke to me greatly!

 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? 
“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:25-33 (italics mine)

"Then you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 
John 8:32

The Truth brings Freedom

These Scriptures and more spoke volumes to my heart! At last I'd encountered the truth! Jesus set me free indeed. It didn't happen overnight but as the seeds of truth were planted God was able to set me free from years of bondage. I had been deceived into believing that I would have to live with constant worry the rest of my life. I am forever grateful to God for saving me.

What He has done for me He will also do for you. Seek Him with your whole heart and you will find Him. Search the Scriptures for truth. You too will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Ask God to open your heart to the truth today.

Join me next week as we look again at Adam and Eve's experience in the Garden and how deception plays a big role when it comes to fear.

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The Origin of Fear

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Where Did Fear Begin?

Fear is as old as the beginning of the human race. By reason of sin, through the Fall, the fruit of fear sprang to life. Only after the Fall though, do we see fear in effect. The very two first human beings created, Adam and Eve, actually had the luxury of living without fear. All of that changed though and still thousands of years later, we as humans have a tendency to be fearful. 

The Bible does not say that Adam and Eve worried, feared or felt any anxiety when living in the Garden of Eden. On the contrary! They lived in fellowship with the Father and were cared for spiritually, emotionally, physically and relationally. They had everything they needed. Fear was not a part of the picture. 

Fear entered after the Fall. 

The Fall from innocence. The Fall from perfect fellowship. The Fall from perfect peace. 

With sin came corruption and fear.

(Now to be clear, when I talk about fear, I’m not talking about a fear response, i.e. fight or flight. Although that is a part of it. The fear response happens in order to help protect us from danger, alert us when something is wrong and give us the strength to fight back or flee the situation. This response is a good thing. The type of fear I’m addressing in these posts though is an awful dread, a constant anxiety, and a never-ending worry. The type of fear I’m talking about goes deeper than a fight or flight response. The type of fear I’m referring to is a fear that makes us afraid continually.

Merriman-Webster’s definition puts it like this: afraid-filled with fear or apprehension.)

Adam and Eve immediately felt fear after the Fall.

“I was afraid… so I hid.” Genesis 3:10

God knows our propensity to be afraid too. He knows it so well that throughout Bible he continually tells His people to “not be afraid.” 

Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you. Deuteronomy 3:22

He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:40

Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32

Dealing with Fear

I was a fearful child from the start. Fear of being separated from my mother, fear of school, fear of something bad happening. It got to the point where my parents grew concerned. I was put in counseling at 8 years old. Fear gripped my heart for years on end. Like Adam, I hid. I hid myself from God and from others. I even tried to fix things through my own strength. It’s safe to say that I tried to sew my own fig leaves (see Genesis 3:7) together to fix the problem hoping that by wearing them, no one else would see the real me. Though in hindsight I can now see that I didn’t even know who the real me was… I just knew fear.

God gives a Promise

God is gracious though. He is kind and full of compassion! Even in the midst of Adam and Eve’s sin, God has a plan to rescue them and His children after them from the effects of the Fall. Adam and Eve were given a Promise. That Promise is for all of us today. It was this Promise that gave me freedom from fear. 

Fear was not part of the original design God had in mind. Fear came through sin and sin affects every human being. You and I are affected by fear. But God is willing to reverse this. He is ready to walk with us, comfort us and give us freedom from debilitating fear. 

It takes time, renewal and a whole lot of grace, but God has provided these very things for each and every one of us. 

Take heart dear friend! God does not want you to live in a perpetual state of worry. He is ready and willing to free you from the bondage of fear. The Promise I speak of was manifested in the Person of Jesus Christ and He too is our Hope. 

I leave you today with this Scripture:

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

I look forward to continuing this series with you all next week.

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Hope for the Fearful Heart intro

Thursday, January 24, 2013

When Worries Overwhelm:

There was a time in my life when worry was a constant companion. I fretted like there was no tomorrow and felt fearful about what was going to happen next. The what if's of life were like a broken record playing non-stop through my waking thoughts. Anxiety, fear and worry were concepts all too common for me.

Does this sound like you? Do you also worry about things so much that your thoughts race and it is extremely overwhelming? Are you tired of carrying around a heavy burden that seems to weigh down on you day after day? 

Yeah, I was too. Very much so. But can I tell you something? There is Hope.

No, I'm not talking about a hope that is just a good feeling. I'm not  even talking about a hope that you try to muster up in yourself with your own strength.

I'm talking about Hope. Real Hope. Living, eternal, truthful Hope that sets the captives free! This Hope set me free from years of anxiety and continues to speak truth, peace, and joy into my life. This Hope is Jesus Christ! What He has done for me, He will do for you!

Hope for the Fearful Heart

Next week I will begin a new series called Hope for the Fearful Heart.

It is my prayer that as I share with you some life changing truths about what the Bible says on anxiety and fear, you too will understand the freedom and peace we have in Christ. I look forward to sharing these beautiful and amazing truths with you.

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