Showing posts with label trusting God. Show all posts

Encouragement Post: Waiting

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Everyone has to wait. At some point in our lives we'll end up waiting for something. A spouse. A job. A promotion. A house. A child. ... The list can be endless. Waiting is just a fact of life. While it may not be easy, it is always good. Waiting produces something within us; something we can't see. It provides the blank canvas for God to do His best work in our hearts.

I wanted to share with you today some encouragement for singles. I've recently found some of the videos and photos below through blogs or social media and thought it was well worth passing along.

When the going gets tough always remember that God is not turning a blind eye to your waiting. He sees... He knows... But best of all, He's working.

“Think about it this way: While being married is about becoming the WIFE you are meant to be, being single allows you to focus on becoming the WOMAN you were born to be.” (Mandy Hale, The Single Woman)

"Let not our longing slay our appetite for living." (Jim Elliot)
(Image Source)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 

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Mary's Magnificat: Hope, Joy, Reverence

Monday, December 9, 2013

(photo credit: Waiting For The Word via photopin cc )

And Mary said,
“My soul magnifies the Lord,
  and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
    For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
 for he who is mighty has done great things for me,
    and holy is his name.
And his mercy is for those who fear him
    from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm;
    he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;
he has brought down the mighty from their thrones
    and exalted those of humble estate;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
    and the rich he has sent away empty.
 He has helped his servant Israel,
    in remembrance of his mercy, 
 as he spoke to our fathers,
    to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”
Luke 1:46-55 

Can you imagine what it would be like to receive the news that the child in your womb is the Savior of the world? The the baby you're about to carry for nine months, give birth to, nurse, wean and teach to walk will also grow up to save men from death? I can't. In fact it boggles my mind so much that I can't even begin to imagine what Mary must have felt those many months of carrying Jesus. 

After receiving the news from an angel, Mary hurried off to see her relative Elizabeth who was then carrying John the Baptist. This is when we come across Mary's Magnificat. It gives us a glimpse of what Mary was feeling after hearing that indeed she was with child by the power of the Holy Spirit and carrying our Savior.

Her words are laced with hope, joy and reverence. She can't help but feel God in every inch of her being. To know that God saw her and chose her for this great honor must have been thrilling. She knew all too well that her people were in desperate need of a Savior. (And to think that God chose to come and save them by becoming human!) He saw their need and responded in such an amazing way that Mary had no choice but to revere God and sing praise. Her outburst of praise shows just how much she was filled to overflowing!

His mercy is towards those that fear Him and His love endures from generation to generation. Mary knew that the child in her womb was living proof of that! Jesus still is living proof of that today too.

This advent season I encourage you to take the time to read Mary's Magnificat and meditate on God's love. Listen to the grace filled words of our Lord's mother and let your heart meditate on the message of this song. God's love truly is everlasting and His faithfulness to us is never failing.

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Never Lose Heart Waiting on God

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

(Image Source: Quote Diary)

Never lose heart waiting on God!
Say "thank You" even in this season of waiting.
He has a glorious plan for you.
Trust in His perfect timing.

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Life Principles from Dr. Stanley

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

If you've ever listened to Dr. Charles Stanley over at InTouch you probably know about the Life Principles he often refers to in his sermons. Dr. Stanley also has a Life Principles Bible put together with the same principles talked about in the sermons.

These Life Principles have been such a blessing to me. They are biblical, encouraging and wise. I even typed up and printed out the 30 Life Principles from his website and keep the list in the front of my Bible for easy access.

Today I wanted to share with you a video I saw on Youtube where Dr. Stanley talks about trusting God. May you be as blessed as I was after I watched it.

Also click here for the list I made (and currently use) of all Dr. Stanley's Life Principle's. (For personal use only)

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Trusting in God's Plans

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I didn't expect to work in a school after college. In fact it was probably the very last thing I expected, which is definitely strange when I think about it because I adore working with children. Truth be told though I didn't want to work in a school because I had a hard time in school when I was a child.
Academically I did fine but emotionally it was tough. As a fearful, anxious little girl I rarely felt safe being away from my mother for long periods of time. I mostly was fine on play dates, those were fun, school however was long and sometimes even tedious. Thankfully though there were quite a few teachers who came alongside me and made things a whole lot better. I still remember them fondly after all these years and am grateful for the time they took to nurture my heart.

A year ago I found myself working at an elementary school after college. It wasn't my plan to work there but somehow upon learning about an available position a peace washed over me about applying. After a series of events I eventually landed a job within the school and am back there this year. Wednesday was the first day back and already I feel that peace again; like I'm supposed to be there. Seeing each child everyday and being able to help them grow is absolutely amazing. I love what I do! Now I have the privilege to nurture a child's heart and come alongside them in love. It's an honor and a blessing!

This wasn't what I planned on doing, nor would it have been what I would have chosen for myself. Nevertheless I am glad that God had planned this and chose me to do this work right now. I don't know if His plan for me is to this job for the rest of my life or even for another two years, I do know that His plans will stand and it's my job to trust in His plans for me because they are good.

I write this to you today because I want to encourage you all to trust God fully; He has a plan for you and it is oh so good. His plans for you are numerous and it's not something you can ever fully comprehend or understand, especially on your own. But God is faithful and will guide you each step of the way into His perfect will for your life. Trust in His plans.

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God Has A Plan

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I love how God seems to always send a message just when we need it most. Sometimes it's a subtle message something that I could easily miss if I'm not paying attention, other times its a very clear and loud message that is extremely hard to miss, and still sometimes God uses other people to speak His timely word to our hearts.

Just a few days ago a sweet blogger wrote a very timely message for me and I have no doubt it was God who orchestrated it all. I wanted to pass on this post on to you all along with the amazing video that went with it.

Click here to read "The Timing of a Beautiful Creator" over at Written Reality. You can view the video below or at the link above. But please be sure to read the blog post before watching the video.

Remember God has a plan.

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The Reality of Waiting

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pssst! Over here! Come closer. A little closer, just a little closer... there. 

Can I tell you something? I mean really let you in on something? 

Waiting isn't always easy. 

(Image courtesy of [Keattikorn] /  )

Ok, so maybe it's not a secret that waiting on God isn't always the easiest thing to do but nevertheless it is something I believed that should be easy whenever I heard someone say to "wait on God."

Some days are easier than others. Everything is sunshine and glee on the rather easy days for me; contentment doesn't seem so far out of reach during those times. On a really bliss filled day I'll even want more time to wait on the Lord. However reality will set in and waiting on God can and does become much less blissful than I hoped it would be. Sometimes waiting on God is just downright painful. 

I think many of us, myself included, tend to think about waiting on the Lord as this constant state of bliss and contentment. It's like this underlying assumption whenever we hear the advice given. But the reality of waiting also includes hardships, pain and mistakes. If it didn't where would faith come into play? Where would trusting in the Lord be? 

Sure it's really easy for me to have faith and trust God on the days full of sunshine and easy sailing but what about when the skies turn grey and the wind and the waves make a might roar?

"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
Matthew 8:26

When told to wait on God we must realize that the overall season of waiting has many other seasons within it. By reason of our fickle emotions, life circumstances and individual situations waiting on God is far from a constant state of bliss and contentment. (We're not on the other side of Eternity yet!) One thing I do know though is that God is ALWAYS good. He's good during seasons of plenty and during seasons of drought. Yes, God is always Good! 

In my own season of waiting I've come to realize some important things that have helped me to get a clearer picture of what waiting on the Lord looks like. I want to share them with you today.

Waiting on God is not:
1. Easy (as I've already pointed out)
2. Passive
3. An excuse to do nothing

Waiting on God is:
1. A blessing
2. A way to build strength
3. An outward sign of trust in God

Each season of waiting will look different for each person but I truly believe that what I mentioned above applies to us all.

There are ups and downs in a season of waiting; easy days and hard days. Waiting on God is still a season where we need to do our part but ultimately it's trusting God to work on our behalf and bring the victory.

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
Isaiah 64:4

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God's Positioning System

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The school year is almost over and I'm about to finish my first year of working at an Elementary school since I graduated college in 2012. A lot has happened since then and the growth I've seen in my own life has greatly increased. The hardships, transitions, spiritual and emotional stretching has all worked out in my favor, to God be all the praise! There have certainly been quite a few ups and downs, but I'm grateful to the Lord for bringing me through it all.

As I've reflected on the new experiences, transitions and growth I realize now that God had a specific plan and purpose in mind. I still can't fully see it all just yet but I'm beginning to see how certain events ended up working together to bring about maturity, growth and intimacy with the Lord. In hindsight, I now can see the fingerprints of God upon it all.

Back in January I wrote a post called Trusting God In A Holding Pattern. At that point I had just moved to a new town and was getting used to traveling new roads. Driving was extremely confusing for a while. (Again, I will admit that I'm not great with directions but am definitely getting better.) Roads that I rarely traveled seemed to go in circles. It was hard to comprehend how they all connected to the surrounding towns and cities. It was new to me and new can also be somewhat scary and confusing. The confusion wasn't confined to driving either; spiritually I began to feel the exact same way. I felt like I was going in circles similar to that of a holding pattern. I was waiting for the day when I would better understand what the Lord was doing in my life and how He was working. Nothing was making sense. Until I could better understand where I was going and what was happening in my life at that time, trusting God was the only thing I could do. Click here to go back and read the post from January.

Life Lessons

Now that I've been living in this new town for about 6 months or so things have gotten much easier. It's not as new as before. The familiar settings have helped me to get my bearings as I drive down the once unfamiliar roads. Last week as I was driving down the highway things began to connect for me. The roads I once found extremely confusing all made sense now. The endless circles became clear and I had the confidence to drive to new places without automatically reaching for my GPS. Everything seemed to be making a whole lot more sense! I wasn't confused anymore.

Amazingly, I began to feel the same way spiritually. Things began to make more sense to me. Trusting God didn't feel like a last ditch effort in an attempt to understand what He was doing in my life; it was my life. His asking me to trust Him was a lesson in letting go of control, a lesson in gratitude and a lesson of faith. Trusting God meant letting go of my own plans that I felt like He wasn't fulfilling; it meant living in complete gratitude for every season of life He's given to me and it meant walking in faith, believing that He would work on my behalf. Trusting God meant surrendering myself to Him and allowing Him to fulfill His plans in my life. Each event I've been through these past 6-9 months has brought me closer to this place.

I still can't see everything that the Lord is doing in my life right now but that's something I'm ok with for the first time in a long time. In fact, it's a reality that all believers have to live with.

A Life Of Faith

The apostle Paul wrote:

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
1 Corinthians 13:12

We won't know everything God is doing in our lives this side of eternity. That's exactly why He calls us to walk by faith. The life of the believer is a faith filled life. There are times when trusting God alone will have to suffice. Is it easy? No way! It's contrary to what we like to do best, plan control and know. Nevertheless it's necessary in order to grow spiritually and thus let God fulfill His plans for our lives.
How about you? Do you feel like you're in a holding pattern right now? Are you frustrated at your lack of understanding? Do you feel like God isn't hearing some of your most desperate pleas? Take heart dear friend. Know that God is working out all things for your good and He has an exact plan in mind for you. (Romans 8:28) Sometimes the trials, transitions and tests of life actually are meant to bring you closer to God rather than farther away. The silence isn't meant to be a burden but rather a blessing. Just remember this...

God sees. God knows. And He is able to do abundantly more in your life than you could ever ask for or imagine.  (Ephesians 3:20) 

Our petty global positioning systems are no match to the Omniscient GPS....

God's Positioning System!

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God Sees, God Works

Monday, June 17, 2013

Romans 8:28 is my life verse. I remember when I first read these words they sort of jumped off the page to me. They became alive within me and really resonated within my being. Everything that I had been through, everything that I had done wrong and everything that I was going to do, God was going to work it for my good. The many years of anxiety and suffering didn't go to waste. God used those years of suffering for my good because of His boundless mercy and love.

God saw; God sees; God works.

God sees you too. God knows you. God is working in you. The truth is, it may not always feel that way but rest assured God is Sovereign and working all things together for your good. Even the things in your life that feel hopeless, God is working on that too.

Trust in Him to work on your behalf and believe in this beautiful promise. God always sees and God always works.

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He Will Direct Your Steps

Friday, May 3, 2013

How quickly I forget in the midst of my planning that it is ultimately God's will that will stand in my life. The to do lists, schedules and set goals consume me to the detriment of my trusting in God's plan. No wonder I find my thoughts racing sometimes as I lay in bed at night! Quiet time, resting, stillness seems somewhat foreign. Yet God has a plan and He will direct my steps. 

I'm reminded of a sweet poem by St. Catherine of Sienna:

Rest in Prayer
"The sun hears the fields talking about effort
and the sun 

and whispers to 

'Why don't the fields just rest, for
I am willing to do 

to help them

Rest, my dears, in

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Unanswered Prayer: A Walk In Faith

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Unanswered Questions in Prayer

Ever prayed about something without ever getting an answer? I mean really prayed with fervent, desperate, soul seeking prayers? I know I have. Actually it was over a year ago, before I graduated college, that these types of prayers weren't uncommon for me. I'd plead with God to give me answers to some big life questions I had for the future. College was almost over and I needed to know where God wanted me to go next. Problem was, I either didn't hear Him at all or second guessed what it was He said if He was indeed answering those desperate prayers. Very quickly though I grew tired of asking the same questions over and over without hearing anything. I so desperately wanted an answer that I tried to force one to come. Most of the answers I "heard" from God were actually my own thoughts. This ended in deep frustration with myself and with God. I'll admit that I even became angry for His silence on these issues.

In the midst of this frustration I cried out one day and said,

"God you're going to have to drop a piano in front of me or something in order for me to hear You because I'm just not hearing Your answer at all lately!"

I needed an answer now and God was not abiding by my timeline. Didn't He know graduation was right around the corner? Didn't He see that I had to start looking for a job soon? Why wasn't He answering me? It didn't make sense. I was asking, seeking and knocking in prayer but I wasn't getting an answer. Since I really had not clue what to do or what God was up to, I decided to not make a move; that is unless He told me to. I was so afraid of making a wrong move into my future that I didn't move at all. I would wait for an answer and then move forward.

The summer came and went. No answer. I needed to find a job doing something in order to pay back student loans. (I now realize my error in borrowing money and am using Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Revisited book to get out of debt. I highly recommend it. Click Here to buy the book.) At this point in time I was still bent on not moving without God's direction. It wasn't until a wise older woman who I knew said something that got me thinking. She told me that even if I wasn't sure of what to do or where to go next, I needed to start somewhere.

God could correct my course if needed but I had to actually move forward.

So I did. I got a part time job working with children after feeling a certain peace about applying. I've been working at the same place since the beginning of the school year now. Is it where God wants me? I'm not sure. But I'm more comfortable now walking with God without clear answers in front of me.

A few months ago I was thinking about these very questions again. It had been a year and I still hadn't heard any answers to the questions I had asked. But suddenly, like a light bulb going off in my head I realized what God may have been up to.

He wants me to trust Him.

The thought wasn't like a piano dropping out of the sky; rather it was more of a quiet, gentle thought on my heart.  A peace that surpassed understanding flowed through me. It was then I remembered what God had asked Abraham to do in Genesis 12.

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. Genesis 12:1 (emphasis mine)

Hebrews 11:8 in the Amplified translation puts it beautifully:

[Urged on] by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go. 
Hebrews 11:8

Isn't that awesome? Abraham didn't trouble his mind about where was to go. Talk about a lesson in faith! God didn't tell Abraham where He wanted him to go before Abraham moved forward. Abraham took the first step, while trusting God. His action, mixed with faith was what allowed Abraham to take that first step.

Walking In Faith

God wanted me to trust Him fully and to walk in faith. For some reason or another I always forget the first part of that verse: walking in faith. Walking without faith and faith without walking will get us nowhere. We need to walk by faith and have faith to walk forward. Not one without the other. As long as we walk forward in the center of God's revealed will to us through His Word, He will be faithful to steer us in the right direction.

Perhaps you are also praying for something specific in your life and haven't gotten the answer to it just yet. I want to encourage you to not lose heart. God can withhold answers for a number of reasons, all of them for our own good. He could be asking us to:

1. Trust Him 
2. Move forward in faith
3. Learn to discern His voice
4. Let go of control
5. Or we may not be ready to hear His answer quite yet

This list is by no means exhaustive but it gives us a starting point. What is it you've been struggling with? Maybe God is helping you with this by not answering a prayer right away. His purposes for not answering a prayer are always good and loving. It may feel frustrating at times but know that God has got your back. 

Where do you feel God asking you to take that first step of faith? Remember our father in the faith Abraham... God blessed this man greatly and it all began with a step of faith. 

And as for those unanswered prayers? Well, I've come to realize God actually does answer ALL of our prayers, just maybe not in the way we expect Him too. It takes faith to walk forward in the midst of uncertainty and wholehearted trust in the Lord. When His answer is "trust me and walk forward" we need to do exactly that.

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Getting out of Your Comfort Zone

Saturday, April 13, 2013

God Calling You Out of Your Comfort Zone

"Yes" I said. "Yeah, I can do that for you."

It was almost an involuntary response. It was like something, or rather Someone was encouraging me to take a leap of faith, try something new and (gulp) get out of my comfort zone. By saying yes to this new opportunity in front of me, I was confronted with a myriad of emotions: apprehension, joy, peace and discomfort. Right then and there I internally felt like God had asked me to expand my horizons, trust in Him and walk in faith as I stepped outside my comfort zone for a little while.

God will call each and every one of us out of our comfort zones at one point or another. In order to grow in our walk with Him we need to be stretched from time to time. It can be hard, a little nerve wracking and sometimes a little painful, but God is working something even greater in us and for us. Rest assured though, He will get you through whatever it is He has called you to do.

Biblical Examples

Some of the greatest biblical men and women of old were also called way outside of their comfort zones. Abraham was called to leave his country, family, everything familiar and to go to a place he did not even know about; yet God blessed him greatly. Abraham became the father of many nations because he was faithful to God's call and stepped outside his comfort zone. See Genesis 12

Gideon was a man who was called outside of his comfort zone as well. God called Gideon to fight for Israel and deliver them from the hands of the Midianites. (Midian was a country that was greatly oppressing Israel at that time in history and were enemies to God's chosen ones.) Like you and me, Gideon had his doubts, questioned God and put a fleece before Him to test whether or not God really called him to do something so great! Eventually though, with the help of Deborah, Gideon responded to the call of God, stepped outside his comfort zone and saved Israel. See Judges 6

Even King David was called to step outside his comfort zone. Before David was King of Israel, King Saul wanted David dead. Saul was jealous of David and sought his life for years out in the wilderness. David was on the run for a very long time but he trusted God throughout it all. He held fast to the promise that he would become King of Israel and knew that God was faithful. Despite the many discomforts, hardships and persecutions, David was victorious because God always comes through.

These are only a few examples of people God called to step outside their comfort zones. Hebrew 11 lists many more of the men and women who had great faith to respond to the Lord's call.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone is biblical. God doesn't just want you to survive, He wants you to thrive. Thriving means enduring some uncomfortable situations and leaning totally upon God for your well being and victory.

Take A Leap of Faith

As I stepped outside of my comfort zone a couple of weeks ago, I grew in ways I never would have imagined. Sure, I was stretched and almost quit at one point, but I am grateful that I didn't. It was a great experience to not only pitch in and help other people out at my job but it also was a great learning experience. By God's grace I followed through with the thing that was asked of me and leaned totally upon God each step of the way. Not only did He help me do something that was a bit outside my comfort zone but He taught me a lot and for that I am extremely grateful.

Is the Lord calling you outside of your comfort zone? Is He asking you to do something that is hard? Listen to Him. He will bring you through, and more often than not He has something He wants to show you along the way. You won't ever be disappointed for taking a leap of faith and getting outside your comfort zone when God is the One Who calls you to do it.

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Small Beginnings

Monday, February 18, 2013

Questions and Answers

Just the other day I picked up a little book at the used bookstore titled "Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation" written by Parker J. Palmer. I have not read this book yet but felt compelled to at least see if I could find any hidden gems of wisdom where God's Voice may speak.

You see, I'm at a point in my life where I'm still seeking God's specific purpose for my life. I know that I'm not the only one in this position either. There are lots of people, young and old, who are seeking to figure out the answers to the questions of their future. Questions such as:

Where will I work?

Whom will I marry?

What does God want me to do with my time?

Has the Lord called me to a life of singleness?


Your questions may not be the same as mine. Some questions may be the same while others may be different. I don't know. Only you and God know the questions on your heart. It's tempting to look for the answers in other people's opinions, aptitude tests, and even books like the one I mentioned above. The answers however are only found in God. The One Who created you, knit you together in your mother's womb and holds the entire universe in the palm of His hand, He is the One with the answers to each and every question.

Sure it's ok to read books for advice and ask others opinions, but these things are merely tools and not the ultimate end. Trust me, I've tried to use books (other than God's Word) to find answers. I'm tempted to do that often in fact. But only God can give us the answers we need.

In The Wilderness

About a year ago, a friend and I were reading some of the Gospel of Mark together. We spent a few weeks at the very beginning where Jesus fasted and was tempted in the wilderness. After pondering the situation and thinking it over together my friend remarked, "you know the 20's can be kind of like a wilderness." I laughed. Oh how right she was! At that time I was in my last year of college and had not a clue as to what I would be doing next. It was going to take a lot of time, prayer, trust in God and meditation in His Word to figure it out. There were times I got frustrated, ran ahead of God and would question what He was doing.

Why are you taking so slow? I would ask God. (Oh how grateful I am for His patience and forgiveness!)

He never told me "this is your life calling, now go and do it!" I don't doubt He still speaks this way to some people; however, if you're like me then God only shows you what to do one step at a time.

One. Step. At. A. Time.

This is trust. This is faith. This is letting go of control and letting God take the reigns.

Is it easy? No. Can it be frustrating? Only if we let it. Are we lost? No. As long as you take that small step forward in the direction God wants you to go then you are not lost. It's hard though, taking one small step at a time. I want to get it all done and done now! But, is that really the best way to go about things? Honestly, no it's not.

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings

The Lord is teaching me Zechariah 4:10a

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,

Walking in faith and trusting that God has a plan for your life and the answers to all of your questions is part of the life of the Christian. A big part. What may seem like a wilderness phase could actually be a real blessing. We all go through wilderness phases regardless of our age. It's in this stage that our relationship with God has to the potential to grow even more intimate than we could have ever imagined! 

Perhaps God is teaching you a lesson that will be a big help once you reach the promised land. Don't despise these small steps nor reject the lessons along the way. God knows. He has a plan for you and He will show you the path to take.

In the years to come, I truly believe we will look back on these years and see God's fingerprints on our lives much more clearly. He is faithful. Faithful in the wilderness and faithful in the promised land.

“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be."

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Trusting God in a holding pattern

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Last month my family and I moved to a new town. Each member of the family dealt with the move differently. At first I wasn’t too keen on the idea. Quite honestly, it felt like I went kicking and screaming internally the whole time. I was thankful that I only moved one town over from where I had previously lived; however, I had only ever lived in that town so the transition was hard at first.

Naturally, like with any move, I had to get used to new things. My surroundings were new, the neighbors were new, my daily routine changed, and learning to drive new routes was challenging. Very challenging… In fact this was probably one of the most challenging changes for me.
Confession: I am terrible with directions. In fact I think I may have spatial awareness issues! I just don’t understand all the different highways, intersections, interstates etc. I understand landmarks, but not roads. So driving the past few weeks has been interesting to say the least. I’ve taken so many wrong exits so many times I must have circled three or four towns. After finding myself driving down the same road without making it to my destination I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. 

“God,” I said. “This feels like my life right now! I feel like I’m going around in circles trying to figure out what to do and where to go. I feel like I’m in a holding pattern!” I prayed. 

Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt like you were going around in circles, trying to navigate new roads without any clue where to turn? It’s easy to laugh off our mistakes when other people are around, or even defend ourselves but deep down our hearts can feel the discouragement. 
God’s chosen people, the Israelites, were once in a similar situation. After being enslaved in Egypt under a harsh ruler, then being set free by God’s mighty hand of power, and having to wander the desert wilderness for forty years due to disobedience, God’s chosen people were finally ready to inherit the Promised Land. 

The Promised Land was precisely what it sounds like, a land promised to them by God. But their move also included many challenges, changes and new beginnings. In fact, before crossing over the Jordan River to get to the Promised Land, God told the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant (where God’s Presence was) before the people so that they could follow Him. 

After three days the officers went throughout the camp, giving orders to the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about two thousand cubits between you and the ark; do not go near it.” Joshua 3:2-4

They crossed the River because God parted it, just as He did the Red Sea and all the Israelites crossed over. (I personally love that they set up a landmark after they got to the other side in order that they would remember what God had done. I certainly can relate to recognizing landmarks!) 

Then a little later on after crossing, they came to a city called Jericho It was walled off to keep out other people. Joshua the leader of the Israelites told all the mighty men of valor to march around the city one time each day for six days. On the seventh day they were to march around the city seven times. On the seventh day also they were to blow seven rams’ horns and the walls of the city would fall down.

Really? No charging the city by force or trying to tear down the walls on their own? Just march in circles? But you know what? Joshua obeyed God and the walls did fall down. The Israelites conquered not only the city of Jericho, but many other cities promised to them as well. How did they do it? They followed God, listened to Him and trusted Him. They didn’t try to figure everything out on their own. They didn’t question what God was doing even though they too were walking in circles. They were in a holding pattern. Thankfully though, holding patterns don’t last forever.

This history in the Bible really resonated with me. Perhaps it resonates with you too. I don’t like to wait. In fact I’m still working in this area of patience. Patience means more than waiting though. Patience means trusting that God has it all figured out and that He knows where we are supposed to walk. We don’t always understand what He’s doing but He merely asks us to trust Him and wait for His perfect timing. His ways are certainly higher than our own. 

I encourage you to trust the Lord with whatever it is you’re trying to figure out. You may be in a holding pattern for a period of time and that’s ok. God is working on your behalf. 

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides You, Who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. Isaiah 64:4

I’m learning to trust God more. The new routine has gotten easier, my surroundings are more normal to me and I’ve met some new neighbors as well! I still need my GPS to navigate different routes, but I’m grateful that even without my GPS I always have God’s Presence with me. He’s not in the ark like He was with the Israelites, but He’s all around me and living in my heart. 

God is present with all of His children; leading, guiding and loving them.

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