Being single, especially in today's world, is not exactly easy. The world we live in puts guy/girl relationships on a pedestal; so much so that often times it feels like people may scratch their heads wondering when certain young people who are single and over a certain age, will finally meet someone. I still get the questions every once in a while.
"So is there anyone in your life right now?"
"Have you met anyone?"
"Oh he would be great for you!"
etc, etc
I try not to get too upset at these comments since I know most of them are made in love or even ignorance. But hearing them while still trying to wait on God's timing isn't always easy. I think that more often than not, people don't understand that as believers, we're told to wait upon God and let Him work out the circumstances of our love lives. Of course this doesn't mean we sit around and do nothing all day, twiddling our thumbs waiting for Mr. Right to show up at our doorstep. We still have to use our time wisely and prepare for the future. But in the meantime, what is a single girl supposed to do?
I have wrestled with these thoughts and questions for a quite some time now. After reading many books on marriage, biblical homemaking, true womanhood and how to be a helpmeet I was left with this feeling of isolation. The books I read were very good and I think they are much needed for many women both single and married today; however it didn't help me in my current situation. So when the book "Single Girl- the single woman’s guide to life, liberty and the pursuit of godliness" by Ashley Schnarr came out, I knew I would need to grab a copy and read it. And boy, am I ever glad that I did!
Single Girl: A Holy Spirit Inspired Book
Ashley is a young woman who gets it. She knows the dilemmas that a single girl may face. She understands the desires, longings and hopes in a single girl's heart. And she knows the struggles that the majority of single's will face today.
"Single Girl" is a treasure. Ashley wrote this precious book after realizing the need for one on this very topic. Through the years she has gleaned so much wisdom and insight that it only makes sense she would be able to not only relate to other singles, but also apply solid biblical principles to the life of a single girl. Her plentiful use of Scripture, which is both helpful and eye opening, answers a lot of questions that I didn't even realize were answered in the Bible even though I had read those same verses many times before. This book is Holy Spirit inspired and straight from the heart.
More than once I found myself nodding in agreement with what was written. A few times I wanted to shout "exactly!" because finally it felt like someone else understood what I was going through; someone else knew the struggles of my own heart. Her balanced approach on singleness is encouraging, eye opening and wise.
Single Girl also addresses issues that single women deal with but don't normally get talked all that much about. Things like modesty, identity, beauty, how to wisely use our time and possible jobs or ministries for single women are also addressed in the book.
Here is a quote from the book that really resonated with me:
"Believers, born again Christians, who affirm the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ, displayed in His death burial and resurrection can know where their identity lies. If a person has repented of their sin and asked Jesus to be the Lord of their life their identity is wrapped up in Him." (Single Girl)Ashley doesn't claim to know everything. She is still learning herself. This book is for sharing with other single women what it is she has learned so far. I am extremely grateful that she has written this book and taken the time to share what it is she has learned with other women. Whether you're single or married this book is a must for anyone who wants to understand more about what single women face today as well as encouragement for those who are in a similar situation.
Ashely blogs over at Stay At Home Daughter where you can read even more of her writing and find encouragement in your walk with God. I encourage you to check out her blog and buy her book Single Girl. It's been such a blessing to me and I believe any single girl will benefit from this book. You can buy Single Girl the e-book here, at Amazon.
Thank you Ashley for being faithful to the call to write this book and for sharing your experiences, wisdom and encouragement with others.
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