Single Woman's Blogging Challenge: Day Eight {Conversation with my High School Self}

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today's Prompt: If you could have a conversation with yourself in high school, what would you say?

Before I begin today's prompt, can I just say that I LOVE this question? I was an insecure teenager. My hair was too crazy, my skin was always breaking out and I never could land a friendship with the so called "popular crowd." In hindsight I realize that God loved me just the way I was. Pimply, crazy haired, awkward me. He loved me with a love so amazing that nothing on earth could ever compare. Nevertheless those were some tough years.

If I could have a conversation with a 14 or 15 year old me here's a sampling of what I'd say:

Don't ever forget that God loves you. Yes, you! He's crazy about you. He thinks you're stunning. God sent His only Son to die for you so you could live an abundant life filled with love, peace and joy. He doesn't want you to be anxious either. That's not apart of His plan. Use the fears you have to draw near to Him and claim His promises towards you. Hide them in your heart. Soak up the truths of His word and know that He's speaking directly towards you. God doesn't want you to be afraid and He has the peace and the cure you're looking for.

For God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

"For I know the plans that I have for you" declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans for hope and a future.   Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

Don't ever forget that no matter what you may think or feel, God is for you. You may encounter trials and changes in life but don't lose heart, walk in faith. Always remember that this too shall pass. 

Don't try and win popularity with the "popular crowd" and don't be envious of their social status. They're only human. They need a Savior just as much as anyone else. High school doesn't last forever. In fact, try to enjoy it while it lasts. The days of your youth only last so long.

You're unique and special in the eyes of God. He made you you and not someone else. Praise Him for that. Praise Him when that new pimple forms on your forehead, praise Him on bad hair days, praise Him when you feel like giving up and praise Him when your own strength is weak. For when you are weak, then you will be strong because Christ's strength will rest on you. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Praising God sets your heart to feel joy, peace and love. Gratitude will always create the right attitude.

Guard your heart from lustful desires and stay pure in all ways. Remember that your older Brother Jesus loves you dearly and wants to give you only the best. He will keep you pure but you must rely on Him for strength and protection. Run to Him when you feel tempted. Flee to Him in prayer when you're overwhelmed. Let Him carry your anxieties and burdens. Trust me, you can't... but He can. 

Let Him drive the bus and be in control. Walk in faith with Him each day. Pray to God always. 

Learn to love the way God made you. Yes, you are beautiful and He created you. He knows every curve of your body, hair on your head and desire in your heart. You are His marvelous creation. You may not feel beautiful since you're still growing, maturing and learning to be more womanly but remember that feelings are fleeting. Embrace who you are. Don't try to be someone else. You're not the girl next door, you're not the latest it girl in Hollywood and you're not you're best friend. You're you. Wonderful, beautiful, unique, lovely you. Yes, embrace it.

Lastly don't forget to read God's Word. Even if it's a verse a day. Meditate on that one verse and hide it in your heart. Start out your day in His word. Listen, learn and find quiet time to hear God. The Bible is His love letter to you and He continues to speak through the pages of His word. By reading His word, you'll be transformed in heart and mind, grow closer to God and attain real peace. Persevere in it. Live in it by hiding His words in Your heart. God is in You through His Holy Spirit. 

Trust in Him to work all things for your good. And never, ever, ever forget to rejoice in God always. Praising, rejoicing, gratefulness is a choice. Choose it each and every day. God shows up best in a cheerful, grateful heart.

You are loved. Never forget that. You are beautiful. Never ever forget that. You are a child of the Most High King. Never, ever, EVER forget that!

Be blessed always and walk in peace.

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2 Responses to “Single Woman's Blogging Challenge: Day Eight {Conversation with my High School Self}”

  1. Hi Gretchen! I love your letter to your teenage self. Man, who doesn't feel insecure in high school? Don't you wish you were around to tell this to yourself back then? But you know it now, and that is a blessing.

    I really like the way you said that Jesus is your 'older brother'. That is really a great image.
    Happy Halloween!

  2. Thank you Ceil! Your words are such an encouragement to me. I look back on those years and realize just how precious they were. They were not easy but surely they were a gift. If I could've written a letter to myself then this would have only been a small portion of what I'd write! lol Thanks again for your kind words. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! God bless!
