Single Woman's Blogging Challenge: Day Five {Proudest Accomplishment}

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today's Prompt: Your proudest accomplishment

My proudest accomplishment to date would most likely have to be graduating college. It took a lot of hard work, a giant dose of vision, and a continuous dose of perseverance. Those tedious English lit. papers, long hours of studying for mid-terms and finals, and long days of back to back classes were not easy. Thankfully though, I got through.

Quitting was not an option for me.  Sure I entertained the idea many a time, especially when I transferred to the private college where I got my B.A. Nevertheless I knew it would benefit me in the end and I would've kicked myself in the pants if I quit. All that time, effort and hard work would pay off; I just needed to keep pushing myself in order to get the diploma.

In middle school and high school I don't think I really wanted to attend college. I'd had enough of school in those days. I didn't enjoy going to school even though I loved learning. There were days when I knew I would attend college but there were also other days when I was dead set against it. But as I got older and I realized that I wasn't ready to be out in the world working, college eventually became the next step for me. However I was going to do it on my terms by working part time in a nursery and attending community college. It worked great for a while too! I began enjoying school again, gained some amazing life experiences and further discerned God's call on my life.

After four years though I felt stagnant. The degree I was pursuing was not something I wanted anymore and getting my associates degree in a part time program was taking too long. So I transferred to a private college down the street from me and enrolled in a full time program to get my bachelors degree.

It was through a series of twists, turns, revelations and heart transformations that I finally ended up with B.A. in June of 2012! 6 years in school! Yeah, it took a whole lot longer than I expected it to but it ended up working all for good.

I remember getting my diploma and walking across that stage hearing my named called. It was amazing. Not only was I walking on cloud nine that day but I felt so proud of my accomplishment. It was a long time in the making, and not without a lot of tears and regrets, but finally I'd finished what I had started. The prize was in my hands and the feeling of a job well done coursed through my veins. I'd graduated college!

There have been other accomplishments that have been just as good as this one. There have been spiritual accomplishments, relational accomplishments and some other more personal accomplishments as well. But graduating college has got to be in my top 5, so far at least.

I figure God still has a lot of accomplishments He wants to work through me. When the going gets tough though I can look back on my college experiences and know, without a doubt, that God will help me fulfill whatever it is He's called me to do. After all it's through Him that we reach the prize set before us.

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2 Responses to “Single Woman's Blogging Challenge: Day Five {Proudest Accomplishment}”

  1. Hi Gretchen! Congratulations on your college graduation :) I know it was a while ago, but it sure made an impression on you, and now me too. I graduated from college as well, but I didn't have the 'twists and turns' that you had, that made you so grateful. That is a gift.

    I think I am most grateful that my children grew up and out and are happy. What more could I have wanted for them?

  2. Thank you Ceil! Yes, it was a tough but rewarding journey. I'm grateful to have gotten through my academic career :)
    So glad to hear that your own precious children are now grown and happy. God's blessings are amazing!
    Have a wonderful rest of the week! God bless!
