As a woman I know I'm not the only one who struggles with
comparison. I've heard from far too many other women, both single and married that
they often spend a
lot of time taking
mental notes of what others have and what they may lack. It's too easy
for me
personally to critique my own hair, skin and clothes with others, and
begin to
think that if only I looked more like them, then I will be accepted.
Maybe if
my hair is straight, curly, up, down, short, long, layered, angled....
(you get
the picture) then maybe a guy will notice me better or at least strike
up a
conversation with me. Or perhaps if I were more quiet, loud, gentle,
extravagant, outgoing, flexible... (sigh) you catch my drift.
But this comparison game is dangerous and more often than not will lead to doubt, fear and discontent. It becomes a vicious cycle of compare and contrast without a second thought as to whether or not what we're doing is right. Can I let you in on a secret? It's not right. Comparison, especially vain comparison, is definitely wrong. Now I'm not saying that it's wrong to want to aspire, to want to cultivate certain qualities of someone else we may admire just as long as we remember that we are unique and not the same as them.
God made you to be you; not the girl next door, not the celebrity on television and not your best friend. He made you exactly the way He wanted you to be. In His Sovereignty He made the shape of your face, the length of your fingers, the curve of your cheek, even the number of hairs on your head! (Luke 12:7)
God says you are beautiful, created in His image. He knows every single detail about you from the least to the greatest.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16
Perhaps if we stopped comparing ourselves and instead started praising God for even the minutest detail of our being, then we'd be able to find joy and contentment in how we're made. Being woven together by the King of the universe is an immense honor and privilege; something not to be taken lightly. We are His creation and He does not make any mistakes. (I think we all would do well myself included to remember that the next time we're tempted to become someone else.)
God only made one of you and it is His will that you live as our own unique self.
He's not asking you to be the girl next door, the celebrity on television or your best friend; He's asking you to just be you.
This is such a great post. I know I am so guilty of the comparison game.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is with comparing ourselves to others is that we compare what we know about ourselves with what we don't know much about other people. In my book that means we will always fall short!
think we tend to want to blend in with the crowd too much and fail to appreciate our uniqueness. There's a reason I reckon the Bible compares us to sheep a lot!
Linked here from Far Above Rubies. Blessings.
Thank you so much Melanie for your encouragement and comment. Wow, I never actually thought about the fact that when we compare ourselves to others we end up comparing our faults with what we don't really know about others. Thank you for these wise words; it has helped me to think deeper about this than before.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you came to visit! Blessings to you!