Hope for the Fearful Heart intro

Thursday, January 24, 2013

When Worries Overwhelm:

There was a time in my life when worry was a constant companion. I fretted like there was no tomorrow and felt fearful about what was going to happen next. The what if's of life were like a broken record playing non-stop through my waking thoughts. Anxiety, fear and worry were concepts all too common for me.

Does this sound like you? Do you also worry about things so much that your thoughts race and it is extremely overwhelming? Are you tired of carrying around a heavy burden that seems to weigh down on you day after day? 

Yeah, I was too. Very much so. But can I tell you something? There is Hope.

No, I'm not talking about a hope that is just a good feeling. I'm not  even talking about a hope that you try to muster up in yourself with your own strength.

I'm talking about Hope. Real Hope. Living, eternal, truthful Hope that sets the captives free! This Hope set me free from years of anxiety and continues to speak truth, peace, and joy into my life. This Hope is Jesus Christ! What He has done for me, He will do for you!

Hope for the Fearful Heart

Next week I will begin a new series called Hope for the Fearful Heart.

It is my prayer that as I share with you some life changing truths about what the Bible says on anxiety and fear, you too will understand the freedom and peace we have in Christ. I look forward to sharing these beautiful and amazing truths with you.

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2 Responses to “Hope for the Fearful Heart intro”

  1. Wow, this came in perfect timing while everything seem so vivid in my life. Praise God for such an experience you are sharing here, I take courage and hope on the Lord. Isaiah 40:29-31

    1. So glad this came at the right time for you! God has truly taught me so much concerning fear/anxiety/panic/worry etc. I pray that you will be blessed as you read this series and the Lord will open up your heart for whatever it is He wants to pour in! God bless you!!
